Every day we fight. We stand up and fight for a cause so special, so deep in our hearts. It's not easy. It's rarely easy, but we continue to fight. Some days are rough. When we feel we've lost, failed, that we're defeated. When we have to shut down the computer for a brief time to get some of those faces, those images out of our heads. Yet, we always go back, because we are their voice. It's never easy when we lose, but we mourn those times and keep pushing through, for there is always another waiting, every single one saved makes a difference. Every single one saved is a life given back form a precious soul who's life has been wrongly, recklessly, knocked off course, at no fault of their own.
For every single one of you, who has stood up for a cause that has the potential of causing such grief in your heart, remember this, hold it close to your heart. One pawn in front of the other. You make a difference. You are saving lives! Thank you all for your service, dedication, sweat and tears.
I would've died that day if not for you. I would've given up on life if not for your kind eyes. I would've used my teeth in fear if not for your gentle hands.
I would have left this life believing that all humans don't care. Believing there is no such thing as fur that isn't matted, skin that isn't flea bitten, good food and enough of it, a warm bed to sleep on, a couch to stretch out on, a deep soft pad just for me by your chair. You show me I deserve love just because I exist.
Your kind eyes, your loving smile, your gentle hands
Your big heart saved me...
Soothing away the memories of my old life.
You have taught me what it means to be loved.
I have seen you do the same for other dogs like me. I have heard you ask yourself in times of despair
"Why do I do it?"
When there is no more money, no more room, no more homes, you open your heart a little bigger, stretch the money a little tighter, make just a little more room...to save one more like me.
I tell you with the gratitude and love that shines in my eyes
In the best way I know how. Reminding you why you go on trying.
I am the reason. The dogs before me were the reason. The dogs after me will be the reason
Our lives would've been wasted, our love never given;
We would die if not for you.
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