'Our howls do wake a lot of humans.
But sadly, our cries cannot awaken humanity. '
I was born out of brutality and cruelty.
Any act of kindness towards me would be something completely new to me.
I never win the popularity contest, as I am not liked by many. When they handed out chances, I never received any.
I never win the popularity contest, as I am not liked by many. When they handed out chances, I never received any.
I always walk alone, but not by choice, I can’t even plead my case, as I have no voice.
The jury is out before my trial even begins.
I have become a storage facility that is full of humanity’s sins.
My friends are sentenced to death without committing a crime. The hurt and the pain that is inflicted on me is overlooked all the time.
I have been racially profiled because of my breed. Fought to the death for people’s greed.
I have viewed much of my life on chains, or behind bars. You can’t even see my smile, because it’s been hidden by scars.
You read horrific stories of all my heinous acts. The press exploits me without knowing all the facts.
My neck has grown heavy with your weights and your chains. I have been fed nothing but torture, and I have absorbed all the pain.
Is this the path that society has made for me?
The jury is out before my trial even begins.
I have become a storage facility that is full of humanity’s sins.
My friends are sentenced to death without committing a crime. The hurt and the pain that is inflicted on me is overlooked all the time.
I have been racially profiled because of my breed. Fought to the death for people’s greed.
I have viewed much of my life on chains, or behind bars. You can’t even see my smile, because it’s been hidden by scars.
You read horrific stories of all my heinous acts. The press exploits me without knowing all the facts.
My neck has grown heavy with your weights and your chains. I have been fed nothing but torture, and I have absorbed all the pain.
Is this the path that society has made for me?
I am resilient by nature and I have way too much pride. That’s why It’s rare to see someone like me ever cry. What I really want is to be by your side. I’m loyal to you forever or at least until I die.
Only few know how emotional I can be. All I want is to be part of your family.
I am not saying that all of us are perfect or great. Humans come in both and good and bad, so you should be able to relate.
I don’t want to be beaten down any longer. You need to make laws to protect me, much stronger.
Don’t stand there and let this happen one more day. The cruelty I am subjected to, is not OK.
I know it will take time and your schedule is full. Why would you want to try and help me??
I’m just a Pit Bull.
Only few know how emotional I can be. All I want is to be part of your family.
I am not saying that all of us are perfect or great. Humans come in both and good and bad, so you should be able to relate.
I don’t want to be beaten down any longer. You need to make laws to protect me, much stronger.
Don’t stand there and let this happen one more day. The cruelty I am subjected to, is not OK.
I know it will take time and your schedule is full. Why would you want to try and help me??
I’m just a Pit Bull.
Ten Things About Pit Bulls Everyone Should Know
1. Pit Bulls are commonly used as therapy dogs. Whether they are visiting a senior care facility or helping someone recover from an emotional accident, Pit Bulls are making a mark as outstanding therapy dogs.
2. Pit Bulls are used in Search and Rescue work. One example of well known SAR Pit Bulls is Kris Crawford and her dogs. Kris and her dogs have helped save the lives of many people during their efforts. http://www.ForPitsSake.org
3. Pit Bulls serve as narcotic and bomb sniffing dogs. One Pit Bull, Popsicle (named that because he was found in an old freezer) has the largest recorded single drug find in Texas history. Read more about Popsicle here. Including how he found over 3,000 lbs. of cocaine in Hildago, Texas.
5. Pit Bulls are not human aggressive. The American Pit Bull Terrier as a breed is not human aggressive. In fact, quite the opposite is true of the breed. They are gentle and loving dogs. Like any dog individuals can be unsound and have behavior problems.
6. The Pit Bull was so popular in the early 1900′s they were the USA’s mascot not only in World War One, but World War Two as well. They were featured on recruiting and propaganda posters during this time period.
7. Sgt. Stubby. A Pit Bull war hero. Stubby was wounded in action twice, he saved his entire platoon by warning them of a poison gas attack and he single handedly captured a German spy.
8. Pete the Pup on the original Little Rascals was a Pit Bull.
9. Pit Bulls score an 83.4% passing rate with the American Temperament Test Society. That’s better than the popular Border Collie (a breed who scores 79.6%). View the ATTS stats here.
10. They are dogs not killing machines.
~ from an article by Christina Harvey, courtesy of Jason Mann of Pit BullLovers.com
I'd like to thank Jace for showing all of us what an incredible companion these dogs are, as well as Jace's grandma Cheri for providing the pictures.
(: ․☆´`'*¸.☆¨´`'*°☆.․:)
`☆.. ♥♥ HUGS ♥♥~ ¸☆
․ ․`'☆.¨´¸☆¨¸.¸.☆¨
․ ․ ․ ․ `'*☆.¸.☆puppy kisses! ♥ Wiggles and Wags
(: ․☆´`'*¸.☆¨´`'*°☆.․:)
`☆.. ♥♥ HUGS ♥♥~ ¸☆
․ ․`'☆.¨´¸☆¨¸.¸.☆¨
․ ․ ․ ․ `'*☆.¸.☆puppy kisses! ♥ Wiggles and Wags
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