Our paths will cross
for only a short time, but while you are in my care I will be devoted
to you. If memories of your former life are painful, I will help erase
them. No longer will you hunger and I will help to heal your wounds.
If your former life was good, I will promise you an even better future.
day our time together will come to an end and you will go off to your
new home, healthy, happy and healed. As a parting gift, I will give you
a piece of my heart to remember me by. I may shed a tear . . . not
for my loss, but for your gain.
Perhaps our paths may
cross again for a fleeting instant and I will be comforted by the aura
of love that surrounds you. There will always be a bond between us,
though we walk separate paths through this life.
After we
reach our heavenly reward our paths may cross again. You may try to
return the piece of my heart with thanks for all that I did for you. I
will tell you to keep it and thank you for showing me that I could be
better than I thought I could be, and that I learned in giving came the
greatest gifts.
The pieces of our hearts are like grains
of sand. They are pulled along a current beyond our control until they
come together and form a safe haven.
I, like you, came to understand what it meant to be saved
[by Jim Willis, Author]